Returnees from Tanzania get houses

KIREHE - Rwanda Red Cross, Friday, inaugurated 94 houses constructed for Rwandan returnees from Tanzania and other vulnerable people in Mahama Sector, Kirehe District in the Eastern Province.Speaking at the event, the Minister of Disaster Preparedness and Refugee Affairs, General Marcel Gatsinzi, thanked Rwanda Red Cross for the work they are doing in various parts of the country.

Sunday, October 30, 2011
The houses that Rwanda Red Cross handed over to the returnees. The Sunday Times / Martin Ruzindana

KIREHE - Rwanda Red Cross, Friday, inaugurated 94 houses constructed for Rwandan returnees from Tanzania and other vulnerable people in Mahama Sector, Kirehe District in the Eastern Province.

Speaking at the event, the Minister of Disaster Preparedness and Refugee Affairs, General Marcel Gatsinzi, thanked Rwanda Red Cross for the work they are doing in various parts of the country.

Speaking at the same function, Protais Murayire, the Mayor of Kirehe, also thanked the Red Cross for the good work they have done in Kirehe District where it has constructed 420 houses for returnees from Tanzania in Bukora, Kiyanza, Mahama and Gatore.

Genevieve Kampire, one of the beneficiaries could not hide her joy.

"Three years ago, together with hundreds of other Rwandans, we crossed the border from Tanzania with nothing apart from the few belongings we had.

Once in the country, we lived in makeshift tents with nothing to eat as we solely depended on the government and other well wishers for survival. Now I’m a proud owner of a new house. I can’t thank Rwanda Red Cross enough.” 

Rwanda Red Cross president, Dr. Bernard Nzigiye, explained that apart from the infrastructure, Mahama village now boasts of clean water supply, the village also embarked on a nutritional program by implementing the akarima k’igikoni (kitchen garden) policy, where they are able to grow a variety of vegetables. 

He added that they are not only building houses for the returnees, but have other programs as well.

"We have food security as well as basic health program, not only for the returnees, but also for the vulnerable local population and the entire sector,” Dr Nzigiye, said.

Rwf 274 million was used to construct the houses, excluding manpower.
