Muhanga resident dies in UN truck accident

MUHANGA- A truck belonging to UN World Food Programme on Tuesday evening knocked and killed a person at Kabgayi, Kinamba junction on the Muhanga- Butare highway, Daniel Sabiiti reports.The accident occurred as Emmanuel Siborurema, 30, attempted to cross the highway. He was hit by the truck Reg.No. CD 107 114U, - which was heading to Ruhango to distribute nutritional supplementary foods for health centres.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

MUHANGA- A truck belonging to UN World Food Programme on Tuesday evening knocked and killed a person at Kabgayi, Kinamba junction on the Muhanga- Butare highway, Daniel Sabiiti reports.

The accident occurred as Emmanuel Siborurema, 30, attempted to cross the highway. He was hit by the truck Reg.No. CD 107 114U, - which was heading to Ruhango to distribute nutritional supplementary foods for health centres.

Residents said that Siborurema had been suffering from mental illness for a long time.

"He had started recovering from mental illness; however, it is a sad death,” Felix Karangwa, a residen, said.

The truck driver, Songa Musambya, 54, said that the victim crossed the road without looking on both sides.

"I tried to avoid the fatal accident but unfortunately the victim was hit by the rear tires of the truck and died on the spot,” Musambya narrated.

The body of the victim was taken to Kabgayi hospital with help of traffic police and relatives.
