Heavy rains destroy 138 houses in Rwamagana

RWAMAGANA - A heavy downpour that lasted about 18 hours left a trail of damage in its wake on Wednesday night, destroyed over 100 houses  and left scores of residents homeless in Rwamagana District.About 110 houses were destroyed in Musha Sector while another 28 were washed away in Kigabiro and Mwurile sectors.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

RWAMAGANA - A heavy downpour that lasted about 18 hours left a trail of damage in its wake on Wednesday night, destroyed over 100 houses  and left scores of residents homeless in Rwamagana District.

About 110 houses were destroyed in Musha Sector while another 28 were washed away in Kigabiro and Mwurile sectors.

Most of the people affected lost household property such as furniture, beddings, food and utensils as well as personal documents.
Nehemie Uwimana, the District Mayor, who turned up to console the victims, promised to contribute iron sheets and timber to reconstruct their homes.
The Mayor said that the heavy rains were accompanied by strong winds that did not spare even permanent houses.

"I am surprised that even the strongest buildings were affected…in fact Musha Sector took three quarters of the overall damage. Over 1,000 people are in urgent need of help,” he observed.
