Perpetrators humbled by victims’ gesture

GATSIBO- Genocide survivors in Kiramuruzi Sector, Gatsibo District presented cows to former genocide perpetrators as a sign of reconciliation.Kiramuruzi, home to former Murambi commune headquarters headed by the then Mayor, Jean Baptiste Gatete, acted as a genocidal focal point, during the 1994 Genocide against Tutsi.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

GATSIBO- Genocide survivors in Kiramuruzi Sector, Gatsibo District presented cows to former genocide perpetrators as a sign of reconciliation.

Kiramuruzi, home to former Murambi commune headquarters headed by the then Mayor, Jean Baptiste Gatete, acted as a genocidal focal point, during the 1994 Genocide against Tutsi.

Though the Genocide left many survivors with scars in their memories, authorities in the sector say reconciliation has been fostered in the last seventeen years.

"Today we are witnessing four genocide survivors passing on four cows to their former tormentors. This is a remarkable accomplishment we have attained in restoring reconciliation among our residents,” said Bishop Kihangire, the Executive Secretary of the Sector.

The perpetrators who were given cows had confessed their role in the Genocide and sought forgiveness.

The cows given were as part of the ongoing campaign of one-cow-per-household programme.

Isaac Gasana, is a genocide perpetrator who confessed and pleaded for pardon. He was overwhelmed after receiving a cow from his neighbour, whose family members he participated in killing.

"It is unbelievable! Though I admitted my role in killing people during the Genocide, I could not believe that the very person whose family I played a role in killing would have the courtesy of giving me a cow. This is an immeasurable sign that reconciliation is becoming a culture in our sector,” said the former Genocide convict.

Jeanne Mukayuhi, the head of National Unity and Reconciliation Commission in the sector said that the tremendous steps taken in uniting former genocide perpetrators and survivors is a result of massive dialogue to mobilise residents on the role of reconciliation in developing the country.
