Rwanda to host EA Science and Technology Commission

KIGALI - The East African Community (EAC Council of Ministers has decided that Rwanda hosts the East African Science and Technology Commission (EASTECO).Burundi will host the East African Health Research Commission (EAHRC) while the East African Kiswahili Commission (EAKC) will go to Tanzania.

Saturday, October 29, 2011
Monique Mukaruriza

KIGALI - The East African Community (EAC Council of Ministers has decided that Rwanda hosts the East African Science and Technology Commission (EASTECO).

Burundi will host the East African Health Research Commission (EAHRC) while the East African Kiswahili Commission (EAKC) will go to Tanzania.

The allocation of the institutions to the EAC partner countries is part of the resolutions from the just concluded session of the Council of Ministers responsible for EAC Affairs and Planning that was held in Zanzibar-Tanzania.

Speaking to the Sunday Times yesterday, Monique Mukaruliza, Minister of EAC Affairs, said that Kenya, Rwanda and Tanzania applied to host the Science and Technology Commission but the council decided to allocate it to Rwanda since the country does not host any EAC institution.

"The other three partner states host a number of EAC institutions and organs apart from Rwanda and Burundi. We welcome the move to host the Science and Technology Commission as it contributes to the deeper integration of our country in the community,” she said.

Mukaruliza stated that the Council of Ministers also approved the quota system in the recruitment of staff in the EAC organs and institutions.

They approved the roadmap for full integration of Burundi and Rwanda in the Community and adopted a phased approach for the implementation of the Institutional Review Report of the Organs and Institutions.

The EAC ministers decided that the full integration of  Burundi and  with regard to staff recruitment, be governed by the application of the quota system as soon as it is approved by the Council of Ministers.

She mentioned that a verification exercise will be carried out for purposes of advising Burundi and Rwanda on the details of the requirements for hosting the institutions.

The Ministers directed Partner States to consult on the Report and submit their comments during the meeting of experts to be held in the second week of November 2011 and directed the Secretariat to convene a meeting of experts to consider the proposals and recommendations contained therein and make appropriate recommendations to the 24th Ordinary Council.

The Council also unfroze 21 vacant positions that had been frozen pending completion of the institutional review and directed that the recruitment be based on the quota system.
