Make every anniversary count

Setting a romantic table is not brain surgery, so you don’t have to worry about that either. Some people think anniversaries are only for married people. The funny thing is that even some married people don’t seem to be bothered about anniversaries. It shouldn’t matter if you are married or not. Celebrating the day you got together is important for a relationship. I’m not saying throw a huge party and invite the whole village. Simply celebrate with yourselves.

Saturday, October 29, 2011
Planning together sometimes works best because you can agree on what you both enjoy. Net photo

Setting a romantic table is not brain surgery, so you don’t have to worry about that either.

Some people think anniversaries are only for married people. The funny thing is that even some married people don’t seem to be bothered about anniversaries. It shouldn’t matter if you are married or not.

Celebrating the day you got together is important for a relationship. I’m not saying throw a huge party and invite the whole village. Simply celebrate with yourselves.

One of the sweetest things about anniversaries is that they give you a chance to celebrate your "coupledom” over and over. Let the anniversary date be embedded in your mind like a birthday.

This way, you will never forget and you will obviously have the advantage of planning ahead instead of last minute panics.

Do not attempt surprises if your partner isn’t into them. Planning together sometimes works best because you can agree on what you both enjoy.

Plus, it also helps avoid the whole "I’m always the one making the effort on this day” scenario. Or even better, you could take turns in planning for the occasion every year. That surely gives you something to be excited about.

Either way, try to make it as romantic as you possibly can. Nothing beats romance and it shouldn’t matter if you go out or stay in. Eating out might seem easier but it would be a whole lot of fun if you stayed in and cooked together. I’m sure the men do not like where I’m heading with this but hear me out.

Say it is a work day, try and leave work as early as you can. If it means working overtime on previous days just so your boss can let you have that one afternoon off then so be it. Assuming this is the guys turn, do not worry about perfection because she knows you are human.

If you can’t cook that is okay too. Order take out from a fancy restaurant (please no pizzas or hamburgers) and do everything else yourself.

Setting a romantic table is not brain surgery so you don’t have to worry about that either. Just lay a nice table cloth (preferably lace) on it, get out your best chinaware and crockery and highlight it all with some candles.

 And I do not mean the candles used when cash power runs out. Supermarkets like Nakumatt offer a range of dinner candles you can chose from so don’t be cheap!

Burn a cd in advance with all those classic slow songs or even smooth jazz jams and play them softly on the stereo. The lights should be turned off (hence the candles) to give the place that romantic feel.

This is where microwaves come in handy so you can quickly re- heat the food lest it gets cold. By the time she gets home, there won’t be much to say other than her need to express gratitude if you know what I mean!

That’s just one way of doing it. If it is a joint thing then cook together. You’ll be surprised how much fun it can be. Or stick to the old ritual of taking her out for dinner, boring as it gets, it’s better than not doing anything at all or leaving your spouse home to attend to other things like soccer. Not cool!

For unmarried couples, it wouldn’t be such a bad thing to say, propose to the girl. I’m just saying. As for married couples, nothings beats renewing your vows. You don’t have to re-do the whole wedding (well if you have money, why not?) A simple gathering with immediate friends and family plus a dinner treat later would suffice.

Whatever it is, just make it memorable and more exciting each year. This is what makes women happy, when men show concern for such things. And need I remind you that a happy woman means a happy home!