Neighbour Diaries: Trouble Brewing

So, this little new hobby of mine, Melissa is keeping me on my toes.She is totally unpredictable; you just can never know what she is up to, or what she will do next. Makes you wonder how she manages to work in a bank, where discipline is tight. For her peculiar, but very intriguing nature, I totally isolated her from my home, my work place, and every other place I felt I needed to maintain some level of sanity.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

So, this little new hobby of mine, Melissa is keeping me on my toes. She is totally unpredictable; you just can never know what she is up to, or what she will do next. Makes you wonder how she manages to work in a bank, where discipline is tight. For her peculiar, but very intriguing nature, I totally isolated her from my home, my work place, and every other place I felt I needed to maintain some level of sanity.

She has caused such a storm in such little time, I wondered how it would be if she and Jojo met. Some things are scary just thinking about them! So, I made sure that Mellissa does not know my place despite her constant insistence that I let her visit me.

Becky, my former neighbour has been quiet, probably still angry at me. She is simply another victim of this thing called life; there are always going to be people who suffer, not because they deserve it, but because that is life! I really liked her, but I can’t have my cake and eat it; it is either Jojo or nothing at all. At the moment, Jojo still calls the shots in my life.

For Jojo, I have learnt how to deal with her; I have learnt her mood cycles, I can predict her fairly accurately, although I am still baffled by her uncanny ability to cook up schemes. She recently got a job, not because she needs the money, but because she wanted something to do, besides thinking up ways of re-investing her insane amounts of money.

I actually suggested that we start up a Real Estate company, and use some of her money as capital.

Of course I wouldn’t be contributing any "financial capital" to that venture; we both know that very well. Looking at me with a curious eye, she said she would think about it. That was two weeks ago, and the topic hasn’t come up again.

I haven’t pursued it either, because I don’t exactly want this girl to have any more claims on me than those she already has. And probably, she has had nasty experiences with men and her money in the past. She has never given me any money in cash, not that I have ever asked for it anyway.

Relationship wise, we are steady; she successfully eliminated her potential competition, Becky, so we have no issues for the moment. But I don’t think the situation will stay like that for long, not with Mellissa on the prowl.

Yesterday, I met her briefly after work, and I caught her going through my phone when I went to get us drinks. I couldn’t tell what she was doing with my phone, and she of course wasn’t going to tell me.

I had got cause to get worried. I didn’t mind if she was going through my messages. That was her problem. She knew I was seeing Jojo, and in any case, Mellissa and I were not dating or anything.

But if she was going through my phonebook, that was a totally different issue. With the madness in her mind, you just couldn’t know what she would do with your contacts.

I know she was only interested in one person: Jojo. But, I was certain she wouldn’t get Jojo’s contacts. I never saved Jojo's number, knowing it off my head. So, I forgot about the whole thing, and listened to her stories. 

But, I got a shock later that evening. When I got back home, Jojo was there waiting for me with her mischievous smile on. She asked me how my day was, and I told her, carefully leaving out that time I had been with Mellissa.

Then she told me that someone who calls herself Melissa had just called her. Ok, that was bad news…  But, Jojo was still going on; Mellissa had asked if she could meet with Jojo to discuss me, and of course Jojo had agreed. She certainly couldn’t pass up such an opportunity, knowing her well. I had every reason to get a panic attack; in simple terms, that was a disaster waiting to happen!