Weekly Review

Public-Private Partnership key to sustainable dev’t – Kagame                                                                                 President Kagame delivered a keynote address at the Africa Commonwealth Business Council in Perth, Australia, during a session themed; “Reshaping partnerships for sustainable growth”.The session provided an opportunity to leaders in government and in business, to look towards Africa as a key trade and investment destination.

Saturday, October 29, 2011
Sylvie Zainab Kayitesi, was this week elected vice president of the African Commission on Human and Peopleu2019s Rights. The New Times / File

Public-Private Partnership key to sustainable dev’t – Kagame
President Kagame delivered a keynote address at the Africa Commonwealth Business Council in Perth, Australia, during a session themed; "Reshaping partnerships for sustainable growth”.

The session provided an opportunity to leaders in government and in business, to look towards Africa as a key trade and investment destination.

President Kagame commended the Commonwealth Business Council for providing a gateway through which Rwanda joined the Commonwealth and the important platform it offers for global debate on trade and investment.

The session moderator, Aigboje Aig-Imoukhuede, CEO of Access Bank, described Rwanda as a special case study for successful partnerships and invited President Kagame to share his thoughts and experiences on how to unlock the potential of nations.

Mining firm contributes towards 12YBE
A Gold exploration company, Rogi, Wednesday, donated Rwf6 million towards the construction of classrooms for 12-year Basic Education at two primary schools surrounding the mineral sites.

Group Scolaire Rusekera in Burera District and Mubuga Primary School in Gicumbi District received cheques for construction materials worth Rwf4 million and a Rwf1 million. 

The two schools are adjacent to the mineral sites. According to the company’s Managing Director, Oleg Mioseev, the donation was aimed at supporting the community and to set an example to other mining companies to support the communities where they operate from.

Rogi mining is a Cyprus-based exploration company focused on the development of quality assets in Africa. It is currently targeting a concession from the government to mine the mineral in Miyove, Gicumbi District.

Danish court’s decision in Genocide trial irks NPPA
The National Public Prosecution Authority (NPPA) is not happy with the ruling by the Danish Appeals Court, dismissing the case against a Rwandan Genocide suspect.

The Copenhagen court on Monday ruled that Denmark’s law on Genocide cannot be used to proffer Genocide charges against the Rwandan suspect, who was arrested in the Nordic country over allegations that he participated in the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.

The man’s identity has remained anonymous since his arrest in 2010, for what Danish police said could jeopardise investigations. According to reports from Denmark, the dismissal of the case implies that the suspect would remain in custody but would only be charged with ‘subsidiary murder.’

Reacting to the verdict, John Bosco Siboyintore, the head of the Genocide Fugitives Tracking Unit (GFTU) at NPPA, said that the dismissal of the case was a major legal challenge.

Siboyintore stated that where a country lacks the Genocide law, then it should surrender the suspect to a country that has it in its jurisdiction.

Kayitesi elected vice chair of continental rights body
The Chairperson of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), Sylvie Zainab Kayitesi, was this week elected vice president of the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights during the commission’s 50th Ordinary Session held in Banjul, The Gambia.

The forum held twice a year, was jointly organised by the African Centre for Democracy and Human Rights Studies and the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights and attracted hundreds of human rights defenders. Speaking to The New Times yesterday Deogratias Kayumba, vice chair of NHRC, said that Kayitesi’s post portrays Rwanda as a country where people’s rights are respected.

Kayumba stated that the post, which has two-year tenure, reflects Rwanda’s global recognition in advocating the promotion and protection of human and peoples’ rights.

Nyamasheke residents call for cheaper circumcision services
Residents of Kagano Sector in Nyamasheke District have requested health centres to consider offering reasonable circumcision services. Circumcision services in health centres are not covered by medical insurance.

"For someone to get circumcised, they pay more than Rwf 10,000 which is a lot of money. We end up resorting to risky means of circumcision,” said Albert Nsanzamahoro, a resident. Dr. Eustacia Basabose, the administrator of Nyamasheke Health Centre, encouraged residents with the means to pay for circumcision.

He pointed out at the possibility of conducting a free circumcision exercise at all health centres in Nyamasheke.

Health officers go for retreat
Environmental Health Officials (EHO) from all the seven districts of the Western Province, on Wednesday, started a week-long retreat aimed at creating awareness in health inspection. The retreat is organized by the Environmental Health Department of the Ministry of Health.

Hilbert Ciza, in charge of health inspection at the ministry, said the campaign is meant to enable environmental health officers to adopt a uniform way of collecting data and compiling performance reports.

He explained that some of the specific points of discussion include food inspection, monitoring of hospitality premises and public places such as schools, hospitals and health centres.

Nyagatare in new drive to fight drugs
Authorities in Gatunda Sector, Nyagatare District have offered a hotline telephone number to residents to volunteer information related to drug trafficking in the sector.

The hotline number: 0788805899, was announced by the Executive Secretary, John Ngoga, during the sector’s general assembly on Wednesday.

Several sectors in Nyagatare have reported on illegal influx of illicit alcoholic beverages, including a local brew commonly known as Kanyanga, Suzie and Chief Waragi, among others.

The general assembly that was attended by all residents and local leaders in the sector also assessed the general security situation in the area with women who spend many hours in bars reportedly fuelling domestic violence.
