I hate people who…

…fail to do work and blame the weather. I must say that the heavy rain that Kigali has witnessed of recent is quite annoying.Sometimes it rains every afternoon and evening making life quite difficult.What is funny is that this rain does not stop me from hating as this is my full time job. I therefore hate those who call their bosses to tell them they cannot come to work because of rain. How lazy have some people become?

Saturday, October 29, 2011

…fail to do work and blame the weather.
I must say that the heavy rain that Kigali has witnessed of recent is quite annoying. Sometimes it rains every afternoon and evening making life quite difficult.

What is funny is that this rain does not stop me from hating as this is my full time job. I therefore hate those who call their bosses to tell them they cannot come to work because of rain.
How lazy have some people become?

When you were applying for the job didn’t you know that there would be a rainy season? On top of my hatred, I call on bosses not to pay these people but to send their salary to my account since I never stop working no matter the season.

…need to hold meetings before anything can be done.
 I have realised that some people now have significant experience when it comes to wasting time. Take for instance the people in government offices that are always holding meetings.

Every small thing is first referred to a meeting. When there is a major meeting, you will find a smaller meeting being held to plan for the bigger meetings. Is this some kind of joke or what?

How come I don’t need to hold meetings with anyone before doing my humble job of hating? And does a meeting really have to take a whole day? This level of procrastination is not healthy at all. 

…are always using this dot com nonsense.
I really don’t understand why some people are so determined to bore the rest of us to sleep.

There are these people with the annoying habit of adding dot com to any Kinyarwanda regardless of whether it makes sense or not.

You find someone putting things like inzara.com, urusaku.com, urukundo.com etc on his/her Facebook account. Now what is this nonsense? I don’t know about you but I do not find any of this funny.

And if you find it funny then count yourself among the people I hate this week. I can’t think of a better example of immaturity. 

…practice hypocrisy of the highest level.
Without mincing words I can say that I really hate elements of the new rulers of Libya. Yes, I am talking about the so called pro-democracy National Transitional Council.

These guys have been fighting what they call dictatorship but yet they had the cruelty to execute an injured man who had surrendered.

Killing Gaddafi and his son after capturing them alive is a sign of hypocrisy and cowardice. And what was Islamic about displaying their corpses for four days? I don’t know about you but something tells me these guys may be worse than what they fought against. 

…make you part of a conversation without your consent.
There is a silly habit by some people whose names I can’t mention here as it will spoil my day for sure. I am talking about the ones who answer a phone call and then start telling the person on the other end of the line things like, "I am here with The Hater.

He has just bought me lunch…blah blah blah.” Who asked you about me? If you have nothing to say on the phone then why don’t you try to shut up for once?

If the person on the other end wants to talk to me then they can call me on my number which appears below. Otherwise keep me out of your gossip if you want me to keep you off my Hate column.

Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to thehater2009@gmail.com or a text message to +250 788 545293