Ideal interiors:Hanging your art in style to enhance your décor

Last week I was very depressed after attending hospital for the whole day doing some tests on cancer of the breasts. Going back to the hotel with my partner we passed through a certain shop and saw very beautiful things from outside, so I grabbed my partner’s hand and we went in.I saw many beautiful things, but what caught my eye, was one wall that had all sets of arts and pictures frames arranged.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Last week I was very depressed after attending hospital for the whole day doing some tests on cancer of the breasts. Going back to the hotel with my partner we passed through a certain shop and saw very beautiful things from outside, so I grabbed my partner’s hand and we went in.

I saw many beautiful things, but what caught my eye, was one wall that had all sets of arts and pictures frames arranged. I managed to talk to the owner of the shop who also happens to be an interior decorator and we shared so many things.

Of all the things I wanted to know was the technique of hanging arts on the wall, so she told me that every time a person wants to hang an art picture on the wall, they should make sure that the picture is at eye level, so that when a person enters your home or office, that is the first thing they spot

Hanging artwork baffles many home decorators. How high should a picture be hung on the wall, what colour should the matting be, and how can you decide what goes where?

In general, artwork should be hung so that the centre point of the picture or grouping is at about eye level for the average person. While this won't be possible in every situation, it's a good to keep some few points in mind.

First and foremost, when choosing artwork choose artwork that underscores the mood or theme of your room's decor. Is the room vibrant, pastel, or neutral? Is your furniture casual, formal, modern, or traditional?

These are clues that will help zero in on the type of artwork that compliments the colour and scale of a room. For example if the room has some shades of red, it can be an exciting feel if the pictures could have been matted in red to crosslink with the bedroom wall colour.

Also avoid hanging matching pictures in a perfect line whenever you'd like to emphasize a casual atmosphere. This works to create a dynamic diagonal line and stays away from a formal symmetrical look.

Two horizontally framed pictures can easily be hung with two vertically framed pictures by offsetting each style. Notice that the perimeter of the entire grouping stays within boundaries that makes the smaller pieces work together as one unit. Hanging artwork in diagonal lines makes it appear more dramatic and exciting.

While artwork generally shouldn't be hung in offset arrangements, it is a useful technique in a stairwell as the floor levels change.

A group of pictures framed alike and hung together can have a big impact.

This display uses dozens of smaller pieces of art. Use this random technique for hanging a collection in a contemporary space.

When art is hanged carefully, it can really enhance the décor of any room, leaving your visitors with something good to talk about.