Drug use can be disastrous

Dear editor, I would like to use your paper as a platform to warn the youth mainly to stop using drugs. Drugs are addictive and once you start using them, you face a danger of not stopping.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Dear editor,

I would like to use your paper as a platform to warn the youth mainly to stop using drugs. Drugs are addictive and once you start using them, you face a danger of not stopping.

Your life will thus be shattered as you will have long term illness and develop a very dangerous anti- social behaviour. You will be a public shame and a general waste.

By fore warning you, the youth who have not started or are in the first stages of addiction, I am arming you with an important tool as far your life is concerned.

The authorities concerned too, should take an initiative to teach the youth some fundamental life skills, because taking them to prison will never help them at all. They need a slow but steady treatment and education.
