How to read better

Primary six students started their Primary Leaving Examinations today. Some are panicking because they do not feel prepared. Due to the anxiety, others are trying to revise all their notes from cover to cover. However, there is no need to panic. Avoid panicking because it makes candidates confused and stressed and this can lead to higher chances of failing. Students should relax so as to have peace of mind while they write their final primary examinations.

Monday, October 24, 2011
Reading while relaxing helps you remember.

Primary six students started their Primary Leaving Examinations today. Some are panicking because they do not feel prepared. Due to the anxiety, others are trying to revise all their notes from cover to cover.

However, there is no need to panic. Avoid panicking because it makes candidates confused and stressed and this can lead to higher chances of failing. Students should relax so as to have peace of mind while they write their final primary examinations.

Nevertheless, relaxing does not mean completely abandoning your revision. Pupils should still revise while resting because it helps them to understand their notes better. A little more reading creates confidence and helps people feel prepared for exams.

Resting and relaxing is important because it makes you alert while writing exams. Candidates who do not sleep during examination time because they are stay awake reading all night, are likely to doze during exams. If one dozes, their sleepless night will also be wasted because they still will not be able to answer their exam questions well.

Try not to read the whole book at once because it will make you confused. Revise through some past papers. They will give you guidance on the questions commonly asked. Reading the whole book can only make you forget what you know. Meet and discuss subjects with your friends to understand better in case you have problems with personal revision.

Relax, don’t panic and ask God for wisdom and guidance throughout this examination period. Good luck to all candidates who are writing their exams!