As Rwanda joins the rest of the world to mark the Breast Cancer Awareness Month, it was revealed that there is not a single doctor specializing in the management of the disease.There are, however, plans to hire an oncologist-a specialist in the treatment of cancer before the end of this year.There is an increase in the incidence of cancer especially breast cancer, as well as other non-communicable diseases.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

As Rwanda joins the rest of the world to mark the Breast Cancer Awareness Month, it was revealed that there is not a single doctor specializing in the management of the disease.

There are, however, plans to hire an oncologist-a specialist in the treatment of cancer before the end of this year.

There is an increase in the incidence of cancer especially breast cancer, as well as other non-communicable diseases.

This increase in the prevalence of non communicable diseases is mainly attributed to lifestyle.

During the breast cancer awareness month, women will be sensitized about the need for regular medical checkups, which is vital for early detection and treatment of the disease.

Early detection and treatment of cancer, increases the chances of surviving it. This makes awareness an indispensable part of fighting all cancers.

Importantly, there is need for awareness about lifestyles that increase the possibility of developing non communicable diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease.

Lifestyle diseases which were in the past perceived to be rare in poor countries are now prevalent like never before. Coupled with the fact that there are few specialists in managing some of these diseases, it becomes even more urgent to increase the level of awareness about possible ways of reducing their incidence.

Mobilization of resources and building capacity for as many medical centres as possible is yet another important aspect of the campaign against diseases like cancer.
