Many contraceptive methods produce changes in the menstrual cycle, locally termed as ‘imihango’. However, such menstrual changes may vary across individuals due to the methods and duration of use.It is also proved that the implantation methods, injection of semen or other means of reproduction can bring about irregularity in the menstrual cycle and extended periods of light bleeding.
Many contraceptive methods produce changes in the menstrual cycle, locally termed as ‘imihango’.
However, such menstrual changes may vary across individuals due to the methods and duration of use.
It is also proved that the implantation methods, injection of semen or other means of reproduction can bring about irregularity in the menstrual cycle and extended periods of light bleeding.
Families need to understand better the menstrual related side effects and how personal, service delivery factors may influence these experiences if they are going to help women and couples choose appropriate methods for use during their reproduction course of life.
One of the most common side effects of use of contraceptive pills is prolonged bleeding.
On several occasions, mothers or even girls, present with bloody stains on their reproductive parts. This bleeding commonly experienced is the atrophic bleeding due to the low number of estrogen.
Most of the commonly used pills contain progestin, a hormone that depresses development of the embryo and ovulation.
Contraceptive pills helps mothers who want to discontinue giving birth. Young girls who practice unprotected sex commonly use these pills but in most cases, they find problems during their periods of reproduction.
Scientists and gynecologists have recently proved that infertility in some women is commonly associated with use of high doses of oral contraceptive pills during their youthful years.
Other users of oral contraceptive pills at the childhood stage are also likely to produce malformed children with neurological problems and with low intelligent quotient.
Use of oral contraceptives at an early stage in life, leads to abortions and miscarriage during pregnancy and this is why abstinence is highly recommended in young people or else use of condoms is the option if abstinence is not possible.
However, contraceptives have various health benefits especially to the adult women.
There is a low likelihood of endometrial cancer when oral contraceptives are used less and this effect may last up to 20 years after discontinuing the use of pills.
Ovarian cancer is the most lethal of the female reproductive malignancies. But oral contraceptives can significantly reduce the incidence of its occurrence.
It appears that the benefit of oral contraceptives, have something to do with inhibiting ovulation of the ovary each month.
This is because pregnancy and lactation, both of which reduce ovulations are also factors which lower risk of ovarian cancer.
On the other side, ovulation inducing medicines such as clomiphene citrate, which is used to cause ovulation in infertile patients, is suspected of slightly increasing the risk of ovarian cancer.
Just as other health conditions and behaviors, oral contraceptive users may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease such as hypertension. Also, the health status of a country determines whether there will be more deaths prevented or caused by oral contraceptive use.
On the contrary, cervical cancer develops more often in contraceptive pill users than non users.
It is important to understand that cervical cancer is a sexually transmitted disease that is increased by having multiple sexual partners and is decreased by using barrier contraceptives such as condoms.
Many medical experts have showed that the excess risk for cervical cancer due to pills merely represents its comparison to non-pill users who predominantly use barrier contraceptives.
Women who once used pills have an increase in flow and menstrual pain and irregularity usually caused by stopping the pill. Previous contraceptive use can influence pre-sterilization menstrual patterns.
Also important to note, is that female sterilization procedures, particularly laparoscopy and minilaparotomy are both safe and effective methods to use than any other mechanisms. This is because most evaluations of the safety of sterilization have focused on the short term complications.
Research has also proved that breastfeeding suppresses fertility, and women can easily become pregnant during breastfeeding periods. A mother can maximize the contraceptive effect she receives from breastfeeding through various optimal breastfeeding behaviors.