I hate people who…

…expect me to bear with their inefficiency. I think I have betrayed my readers for not having hated these fools much earlier.I therefore hereby bestow extreme hatred upon any of those jokers who instead of doing their job walk up to you and simply say mwihangane or ihangane (bear with us).

Saturday, October 22, 2011

…expect me to bear with their inefficiency.
I think I have betrayed my readers for not having hated these fools much earlier.

I therefore hereby bestow extreme hatred upon any of those jokers who instead of doing their job walk up to you and simply say mwihangane or ihangane (bear with us).

I come to the bank to withdraw money and because of your inefficiency you are now telling us mwihangane as if that can pay my bills.

This chorus of all lazy people working in places where good customer care is an alien concept must not be tolerated. 

I swear the next time I am waiting for service and all I get is "boss wihangane”, someone is going to get a hot slap from the boss!

…need explanations to jokes before they can laugh.
I am blessed to be keeping company with smart people but I am sorry for those who are not as lucky as The Hater.

People who have weak-minded people for friends have asked me to do them a favour and hate all those slow thinkers or none thinkers who need explanations to jokes before they can join the laughter.

These brainless chaps look on as the rest of us indulge in rib-cracking laughter and have no shame to ask us to explain why we are laughing.

Dude if you did not get the joke then you should not even be around us. Get yourself some new brainless friends to hang with. Even on Facebook, just ‘unfriend’ these laggards. 

…pretend to know certain people only after they have died. News of the death of Steve Jobs a co-founder of Apple Inc, the company that makes those very expensive gadgets like iMacs, iPods, iPhones and iPads was quite sad indeed.

I still have to hate on those who pretended to care so much about a guy they never really knew.

Since when did it become cool to feel sad about people we
don’t know? Annoyingly these sad chaps would not feel ashamed to ask you whether Steve Jobs was the founder of Facebook!

This level of hypocrisy tinted with ignorance is what I cannot stomach. I later found out that many of these jokers were simply copying other people’s
Facebook status updates.

…think their small problems should be our general concern.
This is for all those who own Blackberry phones and have spent the last couple of days telling us how you are having problems with your phones as if we really care.

Didn’t you know that there are other options like iPhones, HTC or the Nokia phones some of us use without any problems?

Why post your problem on Facebook as if Facebook is the customer care desk for Blackberry. Surprisingly even those who owe me money were using the excuse
that their Blackberries are not working!

…are jacking my style because they are not creative.
I tried begging my editor to allow me write this particular bit in a bigger font just so you can know how angry I was as I wrote this.

I recently got a copy of a new publication here in Rwanda and on one if its pages, some lazy part time thinker had the guts to try and imitate what I do, which is hating for a profession!

Oh what a shame. I am not going to even bother talking to the fool because I don’t think he deserves my time. If you are not creative enough then you should stick to news reporting.

I am a certified Hater and I have bee n doing the job for such a long time. Just like the football wizard, Lionel Messi, there can only be one Hater.

Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to thehater2009@gmail.com or a text message to +250 788 545293