Secret life... Jean Marie Vianney Ngiruwonsanga

Jean Marie Vianney Ngiruwonsanga is one of the best and exemplary farmers both in poultry and agriculture.Based in Rulindo District, last year he emerged best farmer nationwide, prompting the president to reward him.Below he shares with you more about himself;    The first thing you do in the morningI wake my workers to start work at around 4:30a.m

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Jean Marie Vianney Ngiruwonsanga is one of the best and exemplary farmers both in poultry and agriculture. Based in Rulindo District, last year he emerged best farmer nationwide, prompting the president to reward him.

Below he shares with you more about himself;   
The first thing you do in the morning
I wake my workers to start work at around 4:30a.m

When are you happiest?
When doing my farm work

Greatest fear                                                      Loosing trust amongst people I deal with  

Childhood memory
I do not have something like that but what I cannot forget is when I lost 300 and 400 chicken in 2003 and 2007, respectively.

Affectionate memory of your parents
Their parental care and love especially from my mother 
The most important thing life has taught you
People should be respected the same way

During your free time       
I read newspapers to make sure I know what is going on around me

Retirement plans
I think am already there as a farmer

Photo Mugoya