Youth Quest:Queuing for Christ’s sakes!!

I used to think I was very bad at queuing but it turns out am not the only one and especially when it is for a service one’s going to pay for.Sixbert Gacumbitsi does a great job on the topic on that Mtn mobile money commercial hosted on RTV...well, minus the part of being thrown out. I mean, what would be the point of paying for it anyways? Tell me it will be added on the receipt and I will be more than happy to stand and wait... and feel free to add 18% tax.  What happened to development for the better? Or was it for the waiting?!...  

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I used to think I was very bad at queuing but it turns out am not the only one and especially when it is for a service one’s going to pay for.

Sixbert Gacumbitsi does a great job on the topic on that Mtn mobile money commercial hosted on RTV...well, minus the part of being thrown out.
I mean, what would be the point of paying for it anyways? Tell me it will be added on the receipt and I will be more than happy to stand and wait... and feel free to add 18% tax.  What happened to development for the better? Or was it for the waiting?!...  

I can for a few reasons excuse banks since they are trying so hard to reduce lines with their introduction of ATM machines; Airports for security - considering what the Alkaida network is capable of and may be hospitals for emergences  but surely should the same apply to buses and central open markets?

"I have stopped doing shopping and at home they think I only waste all my money. Just because every time I get to a super market after work to buy a few commodities for my family, there is either a line too long to wait for or the internet connection is poor ... Sight of the line itself says come back another time,” Jean Bosco, a student and working class youth, lamented the moment I mentioned queuing.

"Express Bus services don’t work beyond 10:15pm, at 10p.m none is around the city. And with the rumour that motorbikes are not going to be allowed to operate after 10:00pm, it’s like a double edged snag. One has to queue for Taxi voitures in the night and don’t mention the change from comfortable sits in the now old coaster buses to the recent plastic ones that one has to struggle for to avoid travelling standing throughout the journey… Oh! and side note that they are less air conditioned and heat up so fast that one risks suffocation. Is that not enough for a travel ticket or do we have to add queuing? "

"I am praying so hard iPhones become cheap because maybe with the iQueue app (an app designed to work based on location by popping up services that can be found in that area so that when the user wants to take up one of the services available the system tells them how long their stand-in time is and can therefore go and do other things while waiting for their time) we can survive queuing, and don’t get me wrong it’s not queueophobia...” said another.

A few weeks ago I was reading an article on, of B. Gopalakrishnan who decided to join a computer class at 96 years of age. This was because due to frustration, he wanted to put an end to a practice of standing in a queue to pay bills.

"It used to be a joke among us retired people that we would inevitably meet at these offices (EB and telephone). In fact, it was a very strenuous process,” says the retired bank employee now using e-billing services.  

So big up to the new e-filing and billing systems being implemented, I can’t wait to use them pay and buy commodities and services without queuing for them
