Entertainment: Rapper Bably swears to quit music again

Local rapper, Bably Miheto, simply known by his stage name, “Bably” has threatened to quit music once again. He says his decision is due to his busy schedule at work, and the influence of his Islamic faith. The 23 year-old mentions that he has grown more passion for his religion than for his career, which left him with no option, apart from leaving either.  

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Local rapper, Bably Miheto, simply known by his stage name, "Bably” has threatened to quit music once again.

He says his decision is due to his busy schedule at work, and the influence of his Islamic faith.

The 23 year-old mentions that he has grown more passion for his religion than for his career, which left him with no option, apart from leaving either.  

His new job at one of the advertising firms in town also makes it hard for him to compete favourably in his crowding hip-hop genre.

But it should be remembered that the "Isoko” rapper has before been reported to be quitting music.

The last scenario was back in May, this year, after his summary imprisonment upcountry.  He had been linked to the kidnap of a local radio presenter, but was later released after pleading not guilty of the crime.

Like many other local artists, Bably has also tried to quit because of not appreciating the way Rwandan music underpays its artists.

It should be remembered that this is one artist who has been in showbiz for more than ten years, fairly shinning for two years, and hardly earning a penny in the time.

He was quoted as saying, "You cannot keep on investing in a business from which you don’t expect anything back”. 

Bably, however, bounces back with a fresh hit whenever he swears of quitting the music scene. The latest example of such hits is, his current duet "Ma Umwanya muri Sena” alongside former rap-buddy, Pacson.

Perhaps "The Bible verses” as he sometimes calls himself has not realized that he cannot just avoid a talent; or perhaps this is more serious and his fans should wave good bye to his lyrics.
