Health:Pin worm Infestation

There are several types of microbes which cause health related problems in men, if the personal and general hygiene is not good.  Pin worm is one such worm which can cause sickness that is entirely preventable by good hygiene. It is worldwide in distribution and is the most common worm infestation in the United States and Western Europe. The rich, poor, young or old, irrespective of race or nationality can be infested, if exposed,    though; it is more common in children. Thumb sucking and nail biting are common habits which aid in spread of the infection.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

There are several types of microbes which cause health related problems in men, if the personal and general hygiene is not good.

Pin worm is one such worm which can cause sickness that is entirely preventable by good hygiene. It is worldwide in distribution and is the most common worm infestation in the United States and Western Europe. The rich, poor, young or old, irrespective of race or nationality can be infested, if exposed,    though; it is more common in children. Thumb sucking and nail biting are common habits which aid in spread of the infection.

Because it spreads through contamination, it is common among people living in close contact, e.g., in family members or children staying close in dormitories as in boarding schools.

 The female worm deposits the eggs near anus.  Each worm passes about 10.000 eggs in her life span. When a person infested with pin worms scratches the anus and area around it, eggs tend to get deposited under the finger nails. Now anything he or she touches can be contaminated and can become a source of infection for another person.  Objects like mobile phones, night clothes, bed linen e.t.c., can spread the infection.  Accidental ingestion of the eggs by someone can also result in infection. One can get auto infected by scratching the anus.  Once inside the human body, eggs change into larval forms and then adults. Entire life cycle of the worm is passed in human intestines.

 Many people may harbour pin worms and have no symptoms at all. Main symptom is anal itching which is more troublesome in the night. This occurs because of inflammation of the anus due to deposition of the worms by the female worm. The itching is so intense at times, that it disturbs normal sleep. Due to scratching there is risk of secondary bacterial infection, which can result in boils over that region.

The worms can travel to the adjoining genital parts causing intense itching of the vulva. Migration of the worms to the urinary tract can occur causing irritation of the bladder or ureters.  This is more common in women and manifests as increased frequency of urination and burning while passing urine. Rarely the uterus and fallopian tubes may be infected   causing endometritis and or pelvic inflammatory disease.

Heavy load of worms in the intestines can interfere with the nutritional status of a person.

Diagnosis of pin worm infestation is fairly easy. If more than one member of a family or entire family complaints of anal itching, that too more in night, pin worm infestation should be suspected. The worm is less than an inch long, white in colour and can be seen with the naked eye. If a child complaints of itching in the bottom, parents can see the anus with a torch light in the night and see the worms moving there.

A scraping from the moist anus can be taken and examined under the microscope, thus confirming the diagnosis. If the diagnosis is confirmed in one individual, other family members or people living in close contact with him can be treated empirically for pin worm infestation. Treatment is by anti-worm drugs like mebendazole or albendazole.

If after taking a course of the medicine, one is not vigilant enough, there is high risk of re infection or relapse. To prevent this, it is important that one gives due attention to hygiene. Hands should be washed thoroughly after going to the toilette and before eating. One should keep the nails short so that no dust or dirt can enter there causing potential infections.

The bed linen, night clothes all need to be washed and dried in strong sunlight or ironed well. If the bed sheets and blankets are changed every 3 to 5th day, it prevents the contamination of individuals by infected bed clothes.

Thus by observing simple hygienic measures, infestation by pin worm and troubles caused by it can be prevented.