I will always love my mother

Everybody knows that a good mother gives her children a feeling of trust and stability. She is their life and source of strength at all times. She is the one they can count on for the things that matter most. She is their food and their bed and the extra blanket they need when it gets cold. She is their warmth and their health and their shelter; she is the one they want to stay close to ear when they cry.

Monday, October 17, 2011
A motheru2019s love is unconditional.

Everybody knows that a good mother gives her children a feeling of trust and stability. She is their life and source of strength at all times. She is the one they can count on for the things that matter most. She is their food and their bed and the extra blanket they need when it gets cold. She is their warmth and their health and their shelter; she is the one they want to stay close to ear when they cry.

She is the only person in the whole world who can be these things to her children. Only a mother can do that, there is no substitute for her.

"Somehow even her clothes feel different to her children’s hands from anybody else’s clothes. Only to touch her skirt or her sleeve makes a troubled child feel better,” said Katharine Butler Hathaway, author of The Little Locksmith.

Personally, the way my mother’s look meant so much. There are a lot of things my mom did that until today I cannot really understand.  There are a lot of details that I have trouble recalling, and a lot of memories in cherish of her.

However, what I can say is, there is one important thing I have learnt. My mom always loved and cared for me, and I will always love her for that.

She loved us enough to let us make mistakes so we can learn from them. Mother taught me the true meaning of family and friends. She taught me about the love of God by taking me to church and being actively involved in my spiritual growth.

Among all the gifts children receive form their fathers on their birthdays or when they have scored highly at school, many will agree with me that the best of the gift is if their dad’s love and respect their mother.