Rwanda, Rhineland Palatinate to strengthen partnership

The visiting delegation from Rhineland Palatinate, led by Roger Lewentz, Minister in charge of interior, sports and infrastructure, yesterday, met Prime Minister Dr Pierre Damien Habumuremyi and agreed to provide more support as well as strengthen the relationship. The delegation that also includes Rhineland Health Minister, Malu Dreyer, and experts from various fields are in the country to visit the projects they finance as well as discuss ways of cementing the mutual relationship between the two governments.

Sunday, October 16, 2011
Minister Roger Lewentz (R) receives a gift from Prime Minister Habumuremyi, yesterday. The Sunday Times /Timothy Kisambira

The visiting delegation from Rhineland Palatinate, led by Roger Lewentz, Minister in charge of interior, sports and infrastructure, yesterday, met Prime Minister Dr Pierre Damien Habumuremyi and agreed to provide more support as well as strengthen the relationship.

The delegation that also includes Rhineland Health Minister, Malu Dreyer, and experts from various fields are in the country to visit the projects they finance as well as discuss ways of cementing the mutual relationship between the two governments.

Speaking to reporters after the meeting, the Premier noted that the delegation had agreed to extend support to other fields including education, youth empowerment, health and others. 

"They have agreed to support areas like agriculture, education, environment, youth empowerment as well as strengthen our cooperation,” Premier Habumuremyi said.

According to the Ministry of Local Government (MINALOC), the Germany state (Rhineland Palatinate) has 57 projects in health, infrastructure, education, environment, energy in all provinces in the country.

Habumuremyi further pointed out that, Rhineland would also extend their support to small and medium enterprises that will help provide employment opportunities to the youth.

Lewentz, in an interview, said that he would ensure the relationship is strengthened and encourage more investment.

He commended Rwandan strong culture adding that his country can learn from it.

"We shall also strengthen the cultural ties to see how we can learn from each other,” he said.

The cooperation between Rwanda and the German Federal State of Rhineland Palatinate will mark the 30th anniversary next year.
