Rural technology centre commissioned

  NORTHERN PROVINCE MUSANZE — Kigali Institute of Science and Technology [KIST] has set up a rural centre for technology innovation and transfer-CITT in the Northern Province.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


MUSANZE — Kigali Institute of Science and Technology [KIST] has set up a rural centre for technology innovation and transfer-CITT in the Northern Province.

The satellite centre equipped with technology fit for rural communities and research materials for multiplication of the innovated technologies was commissioned by the KIST Rector, Prof. Chrysologue Karangwa last week in Musanze district.

During the inauguration ceremony, KIST staff displayed locally developed technology including computer monitor-screens converted into TVs, anaerobic digesters which turn organic matter into biogas, solar water heater, and energy-saving cooking stoves and other affordable products that can be used by the local communities.

In his speech Prof. Karangwa asked residents to develop the desire and embrace new technology in order to enhance development.

He challenged local leaders to lead by example, saying exemplary conduct was vital in achieving holistic development.

According to the officials of the rural based technology centre, CITT is dedicated to developing innovations and enhance capacity of private sector to disseminate the technologies in the rural communities.

The satellite centre also has a computer laboratory which will facilitate training of all area sector leaders. In the meantime, at least 37 people who had successfully completed a one-month computer training course conducted by KIST-CIIT received certificates. The training was sponsored by PIGU-Urban infrastructure and city management project.
