Is poverty the main cause of GBV?

It’s just an excuse!Violent people, rich or poor don’t know how to manage their anger.They are over ridden with extreme rage, that their emotions affect their good sense of reasoning.The fact that they are financially unstable doesn’t mean that people should go on and batter their spouses or children.

Friday, October 14, 2011

It’s just an excuse!

Violent people, rich or poor don’t know how to manage their anger.  They are over ridden with extreme rage, that their emotions affect their good sense of reasoning. 

The fact that they are financially unstable doesn’t mean that people should go on and batter their spouses or children.

In most Gender Based Violence (GBV) cases, the biggest percentage affected are vulnerable women and children. 

I liken a man who beats his wife to someone who bites their own flesh. This can best be explained from the Bible verse in Ephesians 5:31”For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.” Husband and wife are one.

Marriage is supposedly a holy, peaceful and harmonious institution; therefore if a husband beats his wife, he is disrespecting the institution.

Attributing violence to poverty is just an excuse that people use to get away with ill character. Poor people should be in position to discuss and work toward improving their standards of living.

Societal norms that foster violence must be removed. For instance, the perception that, ‘husband show their utmost love when they beat up their wives’ is a depiction of sheer ignorance because love is not based on inflicting pain.

It is common cultural practice that men are regarded as superiors and women subordinates.For example, women never participated in decision making but simply followed orders given by their husbands without questioning.

Even today, there are several cases of women who dared to air out their views and receive thorough beating from men who still believe that culture is static. Several old-fashioned men just can’t stand the fact that a woman can challenge their views.

Violence should never be shielded, not with lame excuses or barbaric cultural beliefs.