Jaque’s Vibes:GBV destroys children’s confidence

Any form of violence is a violation of children’s rights since they are the most negatively affected in the family.Children from violent homes are mostly traumatized because of what they see. When trauma in children is not dealt with, it affects their perspective of life, especially when it comes to relationships.

Friday, October 14, 2011
Children are always by fighting parents. Net photo

Any form of violence is a violation of children’s rights since they are the most negatively affected in the family.

Children from violent homes are mostly traumatized because of what they see. When trauma in children is not dealt with, it affects their perspective of life, especially when it comes to relationships.

These children, in the worst case scenario will mimic their parent’s behaviour when they become adults.

Gender Based Violence (GBV) mentally, physically and emotionally retards children. Their growth is hindered due to the harm caused when they daily witness their parents fighting.

Children eventually become insensitive to suffering; they learn to see the use of violence as a rightful passage to achieve whatever they want. This is because they assume that their parent’s violent behaviour is normal and okay.

Additionally, children from violent homes develop a low self-esteem due to the continuous verbal and physical abuse they experience.They begin to live in fear as a result of the hurt and disunity in their families.

However, all is not gloom for these children; their lives can be changed through counseling or positive intervention from authority figures such as relatives, teachers and other parents.

When this happens, they begin to see life in a different perspective. Children are precious and should not be left to see the darker side of life. Life is beautiful and it should remain that way in the eyes of every child. A beautiful childhood is the best gift any parent can give to their child.

For the sake of our children, GBV should be stopped in our society and families.
