Bicycle taxis flourish

NORTHERN PROVINCE GICUMBI — Bicycles have provided employment to a number of youth in Byumba town.

Monday, March 24, 2008


GICUMBI — Bicycles have provided employment to a number of youth in Byumba town.

Unlike in other parts of Rwanda where the Bicycle taxis have been banned, according to media reports, Byumba town cyclists are still making brisk business.

They besiege any taxi or bus arriving from Kigali or other parts of the country in search of potential passengers. They park in the town centre and along the main tarmac roads linking Byumba town and other parts of the country.

According to the Gicumbi District vice Mayor for Social Affairs, Eugenie Uwamahoro, the district regulates them by restricting their operation to daylight hours. They are supposed to operate till 5.00 pm in order to minimize road accidents because most of them have no headlamps.

"Those who operate during the night hours should be reported to relevant authorities for immediate action," said Uwamahoro.

She continued that the cyclists were allowed to operate their business as a means of fighting poverty and idleness among the youth. "They operate in cooperatives and pay taxes to the district," added Uwamahoro.

However, Byumba traffic police says the cyclists pose many road accidents and should be relocated to safer areas away from the town centre and tarmac roads. According to police, the matter is still being discussed with the district authorities and a resolution will be reached soon.
