Muhanga revives Karate sport

SOUTHERN PROVINCE MUHANGA - Youths in Gitarama town, Muhanga district in the Southern Province have received a new life in the name of Karate sport, which was seemingly loosing meaning over the years.

Monday, March 24, 2008


MUHANGA - Youths in Gitarama town, Muhanga district in the Southern Province have received a new life in the name of Karate sport, which was seemingly loosing meaning over the years.

Recently, physical and mental sport was officially revived by officials from the Rwanda Karate Federation at Muhanga Cultural Centre.

Hundreds of teenagers, working class, and children took part in the event. The group displayed various Karate skills to local leaders and resident and said the sport had lost value.

The officials and Karate experts from Kigali equally empowered the club members with new skills and psychological preparations and urged the youths to promote culture of discipline and patriotism.

"The revival of Karate sport in Gitarama town was long overdue because the sport has existed for years without really taking root.

"This event is just an empowerment and should be a source of new life, commitment and discipline to many youths in the district" said Tharcisse Sinzi, the president of the local karate federation.

Sinzi is also the Region C Karate technical director, Africa-Continental Empire and black belt holder among few Rwandans- like Jean Seyinzonga, Fidele Karangwa.

While Alice Uwimbabazi, the Muhanga vice mayor said that the sport will be supported and urged the participants to set up competitions to promote community participation.

She noted that the sport will be included in the good governance competitions and it is important to see the game grooming future leaders with discipline and commitment"
