Rwandan Diaspora women meet to strengthen bond

KIGALI - A group of over fifteen Rwandan women living in the Diaspora, yesterday, met at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MINAFET) to discuss how they could get involved in developing their country as well as keep connected to each other.The meeting attracted Rwandans from USA, Belgium, Senegal, Scotland, Burundi and Ethiopia, among other countries.

Saturday, October 08, 2011

KIGALI - A group of over fifteen Rwandan women living in the Diaspora, yesterday, met at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MINAFET) to discuss how they could get involved in developing their country as well as keep connected to each other.

The meeting attracted Rwandans from USA, Belgium, Senegal, Scotland, Burundi and Ethiopia, among other countries.

Among the issues discussed in the meeting, included how the Diaspora can play a role in capacity building in Rwanda.

Ismail Bikenan, the Secretary General of Rwanda Diaspora Global Network (RDGN), urged Rwandans in the Diaspora to be united and always portray a good image of their country.

He also called upon them to get involved in building Rwanda especially in the areas of investment, health, education and rural development.

"We called upon women in this meeting because they are good at mobilization. We are positive that these women are going to go back to their countries of residence and be Rwanda’s ambassadors,”Bikenan said.

He added that many Rwandans in the Diaspora have wrong information and perceptions about Rwanda. He said that through such conventions, Rwandans will get informed on what’s happening in their country other than being misinformed.

Alice Cyusa, a Rwandan from the USA, stated that Rwandans in the Diaspora have to be patriotic and keep their dignity as well.

"There are over 300 Rwandans in the state where I live in America. There is a lot I have learnt from this meeting about Rwanda and how we can get involved in building our country. I am going to go back and mobilize other Rwandans to get involved,”Cyusa said.

A retired Rwandan Banker from Uganda, Faith Bakuru, said that the meeting was fruitful since so many ideas were exchanged.

She added that such meetings should be held quite often so as to involve those in the Diaspora to contribute to Rwanda’s socio-economic development.
