NGO donates goats worth Rwf 4.2 m to Gakenke pupils

GAKENKE - Parents and teachers of Ecole Primaire Busake in Muhondo Sector, Gakenke District, yesterday, joined their pupils in celebration having received goats from a local NGO-Rwanda Stiftung Familie Christian Schleuning.200 goats were donated to the most vulnerable pupils, each receiving one, so that they can be able to buy scholastic materials in future from goat rearing.

Saturday, October 08, 2011
A child receives her goat. The New Times / John Mbanda

GAKENKE - Parents and teachers of Ecole Primaire Busake in Muhondo Sector, Gakenke District, yesterday, joined their pupils in celebration having received goats from a local NGO-Rwanda Stiftung Familie Christian Schleuning.

200 goats were donated to the most vulnerable pupils, each receiving one, so that they can be able to buy scholastic materials in future from goat rearing.

Speaking at the event, the NGO representative, Nathan Bukanda, said that the initiative is part of the package the NGO plans to unveil, in supporting the school.

"The school administration will identify other 200 pupils who will be given health insurance (mutuelle de santé) and we shall also engage them in poultry,” Bakunda said.

He added that plans are underway to construct at least three modern classrooms at the school.

Currently operating in Rulindo and Gakenke Districts, the NGO started its operations in 2007. 

The school headmaster, Malachie Birege, commended the NGO`s move saying it helps not only the pupils but the school and parents.

"When our students are able to buy books, pens and pencils, uniform and even shoes, they will not only be smart, but encouraged to learn,” Birege said.

Speaking to Sunday Times, beneficiaries could not hide their excitement.

"I am happy because I now have a goat. I will look after it very well so that it produces many other goats to give my friends who have not got,” said Francine Mbabazi, a primary three pupil. 

Among other activities, the NGO supports youths and widows through associations and cooperatives.
