The cow and the dog

Long ago, the cow and the dog that looked after cattle disagreed on one thing. The cow had not been well. This made her impatient.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Long ago, the cow and the dog that looked after cattle disagreed on one thing. The cow had not been well. This made her impatient.

When she saw the dog drinking milk quickly from a deep dish, she became very angry. She said, is that all I am supposed to do, to produce milk for others to live on!

Look, you are drinking my milk and not even saying thank you, when you ought to. Every one except my calf thinks I am doing nothing. I am taken out to eat grass whether I like it or not.

I am tired of this! You spend all your time doing nothing except lying down on the veranda. Dog, this is the last time you get any of my milk, do you hear?

From now on, only my calf will have my milk. I will not give any more milk to you or our master.” She stamped her feet and walked away.

The dog said nothing at all. He went over to the veranda where he laid down in the shade. He was ready to frighten any enemies and keep them away from his master’s house. Every night he slept on the veranda.

The next day, the cow spoke politely to the dog, but she gave milk only to her calf. For four days the dog had no milk but he had made no complaint. Every day he felt weaker. But whenever the cow was taken out to eat grass, the dog could not be found.

The cow was left on the hillside without anyone to protect her. At night the crying of the hungry hyenas frightened her. One night two of the hyenas broke through the fence. It was only by good luck that the cow and her calf escaped.

The dog began to do his duties again. He still said nothing to the cow; he had learnt to eat meat and pieces of food left over from his master’s dinner. Now that he had some food he got his strength back and felt better.

"I am so glad to see you, dog!” said the cow. Where have you been? You don’t know how hard life has been for me since you disappeared. Would you like some milk?”

"Thank you, replied the dog. He felt happy that the cow had learnt the lesson that no body lives himself alone. Since that day cows are glad to give milk to dogs. Dogs also are glad to give protection to cows.
