Children and alcoholism

Alcoholism is the state where one cannot do without alcohol.There is a complete physical and mental dependence on alcohol and one suffers in its absence. This is harmful for the physical and mental well being of any person, but more so for children and adolescents.

Saturday, October 08, 2011

Alcoholism is the state where one cannot do without alcohol. There is a complete physical and mental dependence on alcohol and one suffers in its absence.

This is harmful for the physical and mental well being of any person, but more so for children and adolescents.

If one or more of the parents are alcoholic, the children witness daily arguments, violence and sickness of the parent/parents at home.

Studies show that children of such homes turn into either depressed introverts with a deep sense of insecurity and low self esteem or they may grow as delinquents getting involved in crimes and drugs.

Once a child sees alcohol being consumed everyday in his home, he or she does not consider it bad. He also considers it to be a means of relaxing after a day’s stress.  Thus gradually he may start drinking at the first opportunity available.

Some children start drinking under influence of bad company in school. There is nothing more shocking for parents than to know that their child has started drinking alcohol. 

When a child takes alcohol, he suffers from a greater degree of disorientation, confusion and depression as compared to an adult. 

Like a mature adult, they may not even know when to stop drinking.

Those using alcohol regularly start suffering from memory losses and chronic depression.This affects his overall performance. Slowly he loses interest in school and other activities.

Due to the effect of alcohol, a child or adolescent also starts suffering from blurred vision and other visual disturbances.  During day time, he may have severe headache due to the hangover.

They also start having disequilibrium from a young age due to the damage inflicted by alcohol on the cerebellum (part of the brain responsible for balancing the body). 

This leads to difficulty in walking. Later on seemingly small tasks like dressing up and writing also become difficult.

Adolescence is the age when the body needs maximum nutrition for growth and physical development.  Children and adolescents drinking alcohol suffer from more severe malnutrition as compared to an adult.

Some of them may become obese due to the calories supplied by alcohol, but lack in other vital nutrients.

Malnutrition is also compounded by the reduced intake of food due to stomachache which results due to direct irritant effect of alcohol on the stomach.

Alcohol also raises the level of blood glucose and dangerous lipids and reduces the level of useful lipids. This makes them more prone to develop hypertension, diabetes and cardiac problems from a very young age, compared to those who develop these problems in middle age due to multiple factors.  

Due to the direct damage  inflicted on  nerves by alcohol and deficiency of vitamin B. complex, these youngsters suffer from burning pain and other abnormal sensations in the limbs, more so in the feet and legs.

The liver of a youngster is not capable as that of an adult to handle alcohol and detoxify alcohol.  Therefore children are more prone to liver damage induced by it. By the time they reach youth, they can suffer from cirrhosis of the liver or liver cancer.

An adolescent habituated to alcohol may become impotent sexually as he grows up, thus spoiling the chances of even a normal married life.

Thus it can be seen that quality of life of children is impaired by multiple ways due to intake of alcohol. They cannot grow up being healthy productive citizens of the society.

Therefore it is the duty of not only parents but teachers and other elders also to be vigilant about alcoholism in children. If one notices any child losing interest in school and other activities, losing weight and getting apathetic to his surroundings, he should be probed about alcohol intake.

If he has started taking alcohol, it is better to nip the habit in the bud before it causes more damage. Adults in the family have to quit alcohol drinking so that they can set a model for children to emulate.

Children addicted to alcohol should be put in deaddiction and rehabilitation programmes to help them get rid of this habit. Due attention to nutrition is very important to help them restore their health.

Dr. Rachna Pande is a specialist, Internal medicine-Ruhengeri hospital