Help children find their favourite sports

Sports is good for children, it makes them physically fit and prevents them from much fat in their bodies. Children can only identify their favourite sports if only parents give them time and do some training.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Sports is good for children, it makes them physically fit and prevents them from much fat in their bodies. Children can only identify their favourite sports if only parents give them time and do some training.

If you encourage your child to do sports, it is also good to set an example yourself, if you like playing particular sports, share your pleasure and skill with your children.

Show them that effort and practice are their own rewards, and that you can get great satisfaction from playing without even wanting to be the best.

Regardless of your child’s age, he or she will show some natural liking. Some children love the water from the first splash, while others react with fear.

If a child is not good in one sport he or she can be good in another sport. Some children may prefer swimming while others are good at football. Let us help children in our homes to discover their sports.
