Perfect weekend…Grace Mukankusi

Grace Mukankusi is an upcoming musician. She sings about the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi but also does wedding music.Below is how she spends her weekend;My weekend starts on Friday at around 3pm. I go home and undertake some some domestic work as I also organize for what I have to do on Saturday.

Saturday, October 08, 2011

Grace Mukankusi is an upcoming musician. She sings about the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi but also does wedding music.

Below is how she spends her weekend;
My weekend starts on Friday at around 3pm. I go home and undertake some some domestic work as I also organize for what I have to do on Saturday.

I listen to a variety of music including church music.

On Saturday, I visit or invite friends to spend time together. If I am to spend the day out of Kigali, I sometimes travel to Kibuye to visit relatives. I love the place because I meet colleagues with whom we share past experiences.

If I am in Kigali, I prepare my favourite meal which is matooke with meat. In the evening, I may go to church to practice church music.

On Sunday, I go to church until 2p.m. I then watch movies for about two hours before meeting friends at around 5. Or, I may dedicate this time to my relatives, to discuss and enjoy together.

At around 6p.m, I plan for what I have to put on the next day. At around 7p.m, I either read a newspaper, a novel or a bible. I have supper at around 9 and go to bed at around 10p.m.

Photo. G Mugoya