Youth Quest: “Hear it from me”

“Contemporary youth are major players in the post-modern adventure because it is they that will enter the future and further shape the world to come.”Steven Best.I was a bit embarrassed over the previous weekend, after paying for a day’s ticket and one gentleman sitted at the opposite end, deliberately decided to ruin my evening with his rather genuine but very annoying speech composed of simply a series of complaints on a subject I think was related to development and the youth of today

Saturday, October 08, 2011

"Contemporary youth are major players in the post-modern adventure because it is they that will enter the future and further shape the world to come.” Steven Best.

I was a bit embarrassed over the previous weekend, after paying for a day’s ticket and one gentleman sitted at the opposite end, deliberately decided to ruin my evening with his rather genuine but very annoying speech composed of simply a series of complaints on a subject I think was related to development and the youth of today…

In the first place, whoever gave him the definition of Development must have confused Development with Luxury not to mention that I don’t find buses a suitable place to hold such discussions.   

This, however, showed an inspiration and when I met Christina Joy B. visiting Rwanda for her first time, I ventured to ask her what she thought about the youth and development.

I couldn’t have been better advised. Read for yourself and see.  

"I was born and raised in Turkey. And I have been to many countries including Germany, France, Scotland, Greece, Italy, Malaysia and Singapore but I must say my experience in Rwanda has been one of a kind.

People here are so friendly; one can read acceptance, kindness and love on each and every one of them. And so exceptionally so is the togetherness there is among the youth.

They come up with projects and charity events many of which are either to help their fellow youth or the unfortunate and humble ones of their communities.

I think that is a virtue that is very vivid with the Rwanda youth. They are good people with big hearts…  

"Generally speaking,” she continued,

"…the quest of life is one that we the youth should master because at the end of the day the future is ours to shape, ours to pursue, ours to model and raise a generation of success as it is always said that we are our countries’ future. Jones once said that "If the world’s leaders actually listened to the brilliant young people around the world we’d be able to create positive change.”  

It is amazingly great that Rwanda is such a rapidly developing country and very important too is that the young generation should develop with her.

It is a call to step out of our comfort zone, utilize every single opportunity, undertake and harvest all yields not for our own pride, party or wasteful luxury but for the betterment of the country.

Speaking about the "power of social medial to reach the masses,” Schrode said that youth can "shake things up” just by connecting with one another. 

And one more thing. Not forgetting one’s roots: Considering that the youth sometimes associate development with adoption of other countries’ ways, hear it from me, yours is the best. Don’t change it. What could be more beautiful than the Rwandan culture?”

The "who” you are, the very heritage of Rwanda, love and passion… because that’s what makes you great. That is what makes you Rwandan. It is your Identity and the heart of your country.
