LivingLife: God Takes No Bribe

Is God fair? That was the question that I paused to myself when I heard one gentlemen over a radio praying that God had every reason to lavish on him blessings ‘this year’ like he has done to others before.First, I am a believer who thinks that matters supreme are best left to man and his God.

Saturday, October 08, 2011

Is God fair? That was the question that I paused to myself when I heard one gentlemen over a radio praying that God had every reason to lavish on him blessings ‘this year’ like he has done to others before.

First, I am a believer who thinks that matters supreme are best left to man and his God. So in one way I would understand why the man would make such a request but less so, on a radio broadcast which came off as some sort of show off for alleged good deeds, actually passing off as some sort of bribe to God.

"Father, you know I have done well, much more than those you rewarded yesterday, so this time it must be me!”

But is God supposed to be fair anyway? He gave us life for free and added in some freebies like the right to choose what is right or wrong.

Then when things go sour, afraid, we start running back home to Daddy shouting, "Lord, please, have mercy on me, I have sinned, blah blah blah…”

Yet God has been more than fair to let us postulate on where we came from with crazy ideas such as the big bang theory and even crazier ideas like liposuction to try to cut the weight we put on during our excessive lives.

Just imagine if it was the fellow next door who you were playing with his DNA copyrights like we do as we annihilate our bodies to look as such a funny thing as ‘fab.’

And then others say, "What if there was no God?” Science can explain everything that makes life possible but cannot explain life itself. We can treat diseases, clone humans, tamper with the DNA, live on the moon but we can’t put down the substance that is life. Life is that great mystery that scientists have fruitlessly laboured to explore to its deepest roots for centuries and the same stuff which artists have made fodder for their dreams, but nevertheless, the biology and literature aside, life has unmistakably remained just simple, the thing that you cannot trap in a bottle, the things that makes blood to move in our veins, plants to grow, and keeps the world alive.

So, it goes that there must be a God, one that reigns supreme and prefers to keep away from the limelight, letting his own creatures try to play God! It must be fascinating to be God, to know that the little objects you choose to appear on a small section of the universe are trying to use their little pea brains to try to contemplate life as God.

I always wonder about the parallels of certain assumptions – God is omnipresent, in every one of us yet cannot be seen. Energy cannot be created or destroyed but can be converted into matter and vice versa. God has no beginning or end.

Even the atheist who thinks God does not exist, does, because he does not know how he came to be and how he will leave life. Only the master knows the master plan. It really does not matter if God is Lord Krishna, or Jehovah or Allah.

It matters that there is someone supreme be it a being, a scientific principle, a law of physics or a faith. What matters is that there is that which is supreme that man cannot fully explain.

So God really does not take bribes, he lets us decide what is wrong or right, what we want and what we don’t want, whether we want to be great or minnows, he puts the power in our hands to play with and whether he decides to withdraw that power that is life is for him/her to decide.

I wish you a prophetic Sunday!