Kicukiro market to pave way for modern shopping mall

Kicukiro District authorities have announced that all traders operating at Kicukiro Market, based in an area popularly known as Kicukiro centre, will next month be relocated to pave way for the construction of a shopping mall. A local group of investors, Kicukiro Investment Group, acquired the land currently occupied by the market.In an interview with The New Times, the district mayor, Paul Jules Ndamage, said that the district had completed the compensation exercise for the market occupants.

Saturday, October 08, 2011
The front view of Kicukiro Market. A modern shopping mall will be constructed on the premises. The New Times /File photo.

Kicukiro District authorities have announced that all traders operating at Kicukiro Market, based in an area popularly known as Kicukiro centre, will next month be relocated to pave way for the construction of a shopping mall.

A local group of investors, Kicukiro Investment Group, acquired the land currently occupied by the market.
In an interview with The New Times, the district mayor, Paul Jules Ndamage, said that the district had completed the compensation exercise for the market occupants.

"We are only waiting for the full completion of Kabeza market where most of the vendors will be relocated," Ndamage explained.

He noted that the construction of the new Kabeza market, which will accommodate about 1,000 traders, is in its final stages of completion. He however mentioned that some of the vendors will be relocated to Ziniya market.

According to the master plan, facilities along the Sonatube-Gahanga road should have a minimum of four-storeys.

"The investors have so far completed their architectural design for the shopping mall, which is yet to be approved by the Kigali City Construction-One Stop Centre," Ndamage stated.
