Rwanda to join international disaster campaign

Rwanda will, for the first time, join the world in celebrating the international campaign for disaster risk reduction, which aims at sensitising citizens on preventing and fighting disasters.The activities to mark the event will start in the country tomorrow under the theme; “Making children and younger people partners for disaster risk reduction.”

Saturday, October 08, 2011

Rwanda will, for the first time, join the world in celebrating the international campaign for disaster risk reduction, which aims at sensitising citizens on preventing and fighting disasters.

The activities to mark the event will start in the country tomorrow under the theme; "Making children and younger people partners for disaster risk reduction.”

Many people around the world have lost their lives, homes or access to essential facilities, such as hospitals, due to natural disasters like earthquakes, droughts, tsunamis, heavy flooding, hurricanes and others.

Some of these disasters have caused enormous economic damage to some countries. The UN acknowledges that education, training, and information exchange are effective ways to help people become better equipped in withstanding natural disasters.

In an interview with Jean Baptist Nsengiyumva, the Director of Research and Public Awareness in the Ministry of Disaster Management and Refugee Affairs, the ministry will embark on awareness campaigns in areas that are most vulnerable to disasters.

"We shall begin with the most vulnerable areas that are normally affected by disasters like in Northern and Western provinces as well as some parts of Eastern Province. We realised that if people are sensitised, they will be able to fight and prevent some disasters,” he said.

Disasters normally afflicting Rwanda include landslides, floods, and heavy storms.

Nsengiyumva added that nationals must be well equipped with information about disasters notifying them that a volcanic eruption is expected on in neighbouring Congo’s Mount Nyamuragira, Africa’s most active volcano.

He noted that if the mountain explodes, it might extend its lava to the Rwandan side, which requires nationals around to be vigilant and well equipped on how to avert such a tragedy should it strike.

"We are afraid that if this volcano erupts, it might affect our people around as some are ignorant on how to prevent such disasters. Therefore, we are going to use this period to sensitise them about such catastrophes,” he said.

He mentioned that since this year’s theme reflects on children, they intend to approach different schools in the entire country to sensitise them on the same issue.

Nsengiyumva added that the activities, which commence tomorrow, will end on Wednesday, October 13, in a national event that will take place in Nyabihu District, Western Province.
