Gasabo stakeholders urged to engage in dev’t

The Permanent Secretary of Gasabo District Joint Action Forum (JAF), Ananie Muhoza, has called upon stakeholders in the district to actively participate in district developmental activities. JAF is made up of various stakeholders including local government officials, members of the civil society organisations and the private sector operating in the district.

Saturday, October 08, 2011

The Permanent Secretary of Gasabo District Joint Action Forum (JAF), Ananie Muhoza, has called upon stakeholders in the district to actively participate in district developmental activities.

JAF is made up of various stakeholders including local government officials, members of the civil society organisations and the private sector operating in the district.

 "Our district has improved in various aspects but we still have a long way to go and it is in this regard that I encourage you to always work closely with the district management because this will help us to achieve sustainable development in the district,” Muhoza said.

He asked them to always send their monthly and annual reports regarding their action plans to the district on time.

Muhoza emphasised the need to put in place committees in all the 15 sectors across the district which will make regular follow ups on the implementation of the resolutions of the JAF meetings.

He encouraged heads of commissions which include health, education, economic and social affairs to work hard in order to easily address the challenges still prevalent in the district.

Speaking to The New Times shortly after the meeting, Muhoza said: "One of the major challenges our forum faces is the lack of a clear mapping of our stakeholders district-wide and this makes it difficult to coordinate their activities.”

He said that they would carry out a sensitisation campaign among all JAF members in order to mobilise them to participate in the district’s programmes and to always attend JAF meetings.
