The word “tough”, as per a    dictionary, means   something so strong   that it is not   broken readily by wear and tear.  It indicates a state of superior force or strength. This word applies not only to inanimate objects   but human beings also. One can do introspection, whether really he or she is tough enough? Hereby being tough, reference is   to the entire physical, mental and spiritual force a person has.  

Friday, October 07, 2011

The word "tough”, as per a    dictionary, means   something so strong   that it is not   broken readily by wear and tear.  It indicates a state of superior force or strength. This word applies not only to inanimate objects   but human beings also.

One can do introspection, whether really he or she is tough enough? Hereby being tough, reference is   to the entire physical, mental and spiritual force a person has.  

Physical strength is important in this world   to remain healthy and free from sickness. One should be able to do his daily work without interruption by sickness or weakness of any kind.  This much is what is needed for ordinary mortals and can be maintained by healthy diet and regular exercise. Supreme, physical force is needed for the professionals like   boxers or WWF wrestlers or for people working in military or police. 

But mental strength is something which is needed for all and is useful for all.  There are some questions which one can ask himself to judge the strength of his mind. Does one lose temper easily?   If yes, it is a sign of mental weakness. Does one get excited or feels depressed over trivial things? If so, then he is weak mentally.  Some people become physically sick also   on facing even   a minor problem. Their valuable time is spent in seeking treatment in hospitals.  All such individuals have to   make efforts to strengthen their minds.

This process is possible only when they realize that they have a weak mind.  Such persons need to analyze every situation with a cool mind before reacting to it. They need to look around.  Are they the only ones affected by that problem, may be in their own locality? They will find several others in the same predicament but others would not be even talking about it.  Is it something affecting the life of self or somebody close? If not, then it is not worth getting tense about. Rather one should think rationally, with a cool mind how to overcome the problem.  It has been said, "tough times never last but tough people do”.

Procrastination is another   activity which weakens the mind. This implies delaying and putting off   the work, till it becomes unavoidable.  When one procrastinates, he whiles away some precious time without doing the necessary work.  Now when the work becomes unavoidable, he starts feeling tense and does it anyhow under pressure of his own mind or fear of the boss/bosses. The quality of work done in this way is always   bad and would be criticized sometime. Anticipating this, the individual feels apprehensive. When criticized by somebody, he feels bad and slighted. But for the next time, he seldom makes effort to do the work well in time.

Honesty, integrity, punctuality, generosity, gratitude, love, kindness, e.t.c., qualities are superior aspects of strength and reflect strength of the spirit and soul. Only a strong person can maintain these virtues in practice. Those who lack any of these qualities or find it difficult to practice it, have to practice to inculcate these in the daily habits and behavior through practice. Gradually they will become part of one’s habit and character.

 Indulging in addictions like alcohol, smoking and drugs indicates a weak mind and spirit both. They are also hazardous for the physical fitness of a person. Therefore if one has the desire to make oneself strong, he should stay away from these addictions. If he has already succumbed to the temptation, he needs to quit them at the earliest with a strong resolution,” never again”.

Once a person is determined for it, nothing can stop him from becoming a tough person in all aspects, i.e. physical, mental and spiritual.  If one recalls the theories of evolution, one theory is, "survival of the fittest.” Therefore to survive successfully in this world, one needs to be tough.  Tough individuals make a strong society and help the world in development.
