Boy meets girl in tuxedo

My sister’s wedding was last Saturday and I must say it was a small, and had an old feeling, but classic wedding with very close family and friends in attendance.Usually a time like this my eyes are wide open trying to check out all the latest styles, but this time I was more concerned about my sister’s wedding going out as planned, until one lady caught my attention.

Friday, October 07, 2011
L-R : David Beckham in mohawk hairdo ; Rihanna's mohawk hairstyle ; tall mohawk

My sister’s wedding was last Saturday and I must say it was a small, and had an old feeling, but classic wedding with very close family and friends in attendance.
Usually a time like this my eyes are wide open trying to check out all the latest styles, but this time I was more concerned about my sister’s wedding going out as planned, until one lady caught my attention.

This girl had a Rihanna version of Mohawk and she donned a ladies’ tuxedo and looked amazing! I went up to her and made a compliment on her dressing and she was very pleased to hear it, because it seemed like people were looking at her strangely wondering exactly what it was she was wearing.

I told her that she stood out among all the guests in her dressing, which unfortunately no one seems to have noticed this.
Unlike the normal dressing that ladies are used to wearing, a ladies tuxedo needs a girl who has the guts to break the norm in the fashion world, just like Rihanna.

In the fashion world, styles evolve very fast-they come and go and within no time we see the same in the fashion runaway, only that every time there is a fashion come back, designers mix the old and new to bring out the modern version of that style.

One particular vintage fashion that is now gracing the fashion runways is the ladies tuxedo.
The ladies version of tuxedo was created by the famous designer Yves Saint Laurent in 1966, and he named it Le Smoking Tuxedo Suit.

This fashion hit the fashion world and it became so popular with the emancipated women, and it really never went out of fashion completely, because Dolce and Gabbana rocked this trend in their fall 2007 collection, and since then it has been in the fashion world, though in a hushed tone until this come back season of 2011.

This boy meets girl dressing gets glamorous, with infusing bow ties, cummerbunds, slick suiting and smart trousers into chic styles for women. The whole look of the ladies tuxedo is pristinely tailored; the pants are high in the waist and wide in the leg, but the blouse underneath the jacket is soft and finished at the neck by a bow.

It’s the epitome of feminine-meets-masculine, and it’s exactly why the women’s tuxedo trend has returned this season. In fact this season designers have decided to completely change the classics menswear to ladies styles looking from the boyfriend jacket to the now tuxedos.

The good thing with the tuxedo trend is that, the tuxedo jacket has crept its way into so many wardrobes this year and has become more of an every-day staple dressing, thrown nonchalantly over jeans or mini-dresses alike.
We saw Rihanna in 2009 wear her full tuxedo during Met's Costume Institute Gala, as well as Janelle Minae.

Ladies, this is the season to bring out the boy in you albeit in a feminine way by getting a tuxedo into your wardrobe.