RPF is all inclusive—Musoni

NORTHERN PROVINCE GICUMBI — Members of the ruling party, the Rwandese Patriotic Front (RPF) in Gicumbi district last Saturday held their first general assembly with a call on members to adhere to the party’s programmes.

Monday, March 24, 2008


GICUMBI — Members of the ruling party, the Rwandese Patriotic Front (RPF) in Gicumbi district last Saturday held their first general assembly with a call on members to adhere to the party’s programmes.

Addressing hundreds of party faithful at Gicumbi stadium, Protais Musoni, a senior member of the party, gave a detailed history of the party, saying it was born out of patriotism.

He observed that the original party members realised the need to liberate Rwanda from the hands of dictators who had divided the country along ethnic lines for a long time. The dictators, he said, had denied others the right to return to their motherland. "RPF is for all Rwandans," said Musoni.

He castigated the former regimes in Rwanda, saying the leaders had bankrupt ideas. He noted that former leaders failed to address Rwandan’s economic needs and good governance, and instead embarked on ethnic cleansing campaigns to tighten their grip on power, which climaxed into the 1994 Genocide.

He hailed Gicumbi district for recruiting a high number of RPF members, and urged them to work hard to accomplish RPF programmes of economic and political revolution.

"Our development and political agenda is in line with government’s programmes," added Musoni, who is also the Minister of Local Government, Good governance and Community development.

According to organisers, the assembly was convened to review the various economic activities attained by the district, the party role in steering political and economic revolution in Rwanda, uprooting the genocide ideology, and the role of RPF members in maintaining security. The event attracted party members from across the district.

Boniface Rucagu, the Governor of Northern Province and the party chairman in the same province, urged members to adhere to party development programmes and stem the genocide ideology.

"Genocide ideology is extreme hatred based on ethnic differences," said Rucagu. He commended RPF for unifying all Rwandans through introduction of the Unity and Reconciliation Commission, power sharing deal, and return of all refugees.

He further lauded the party for ushering in good governance, fighting corruption, decentralizing government services and fighting all forms of injustice in the country. "You should teach your children to desist from the genocide ideology because charity begins at home," said Rucagu.

Gicumbi district party chairman Bonane Nyangezi who is also the district Mayor, highlighted the various economic achievements attained by the district including good governance, through conducting grassroot elections at all levels, promoting gender equality, maintaining security and empowering the youth to participate in economic development.

He noted that the district has accomplished a lot of projects in education, modern crop and livestock farming, bee farming, infrastructure and industrial development among others.

"All these were achieved because of the peace, good governance and economic revolution ushered in by the RPF," said Nyangezi.

The 408 Brigade Commander Brig. Gen. Eric Murokore observed that political parties should act as agents of unity.Also in attendance were Senator Jean Baptist Bizimana, Deputies Edward Sebushumba and Jean Marie Vianney, and the National Executive Secretary for Gacaca, Domitila Mukantaganzwa.
