Sandwich Generation

It’s Monday morning, you wake up twenty minutes late, after a quick breakfast with your kids, you rush and drop them off to school, before you reach the office, your phones rings, fearing that it might be some bad news, you try to ignore it, but something tells you you shouldn’t, so you press the yes button and listen only to get your fears confirmed! Mum is sick again, only this time it’s serious! She is in the emergency room and there is no one to take care of her, as her husband, (your father) is in a wheel chair! You are the one to foot all the medical bills.

Thursday, October 06, 2011

It’s Monday morning, you wake up twenty minutes late, after a quick breakfast with your kids, you rush and drop them off to school, before you reach the office, your phones rings, fearing that it might be some bad news, you try to ignore it, but something tells you you shouldn’t, so you press the yes button and listen only to get your fears confirmed!

Mum is sick again, only this time it’s serious! She is in the emergency room and there is no one to take care of her, as her husband, (your father) is in a wheel chair! You are the one to foot all the medical bills.

And, oh yeah, you are scheduled to give a major presentation to your biggest client this afternoon. You are worried about your mom, your dad, your kids, your siblings, your boss and how in the world you are going to juggle and pay for it all.

Well, I don’t know if this will make you feel any better, but the thing is, you not alone! Millions of people worldwide are now raising kids, supporting their siblings while giving financial hand to aging parents. Welcome! You’re a part of the "Sandwich Generation”.

The Sandwich Generation is a generation of people who care for their aging parents while supporting their own children and their siblings.

If you find yourself squeezed in between generations, don’t despair, take heart! Do whatever you have to do, like they say, what you give is what you get. But whatever you do, put yourself first. Take time to care for yourself!

Too often caregivers run down and even get sick because they have not taken time to care for themselves.  Sure, no one can take care of your loved ones as well as you do but, you must care for yourself if you want to continue to care for your loved one. This is not an act of selfishness; it is actually an act of great giving.

Take time every day to "check-in” with yourself, even if it is only for 10 minutes.  This should be your protected time.  Enjoy this time by reading, listening to music, exercising or whatever you like to do. Doing this will help you avoid burnout and give you a well-deserved break. Remember to laugh at the few funny things in life. Listen to your body. If your body is telling you to slow down, or that something is not right, go and see a doctor. 

Although every caregiver and caregiving situation is unique but there are always common factors which bridge these situations and caregivers together.

For those of you who are squeezed in the sandwich generation, know that you are not alone, and it’s also nice to learn that although the demands of caregiving are challenging, sandwich generation caregivers feel that providing care enhances relationships with their loved ones and also brings them a sense of personal satisfaction.