Why last minute reading is unhelpful

While in my high school, I had a classmate called Jennifer who was famously known for last minute reading and spotting what would be set in the exam. Jenniffer was always engrossed in mills and boons (romance novels) during class and prep time. Her obsession was too much that all she would even cram and repeat what she has read in the novels clearly like she was the author.

Monday, October 03, 2011
Student sleeping on desk. Net photo

While in my high school, I had a classmate called Jennifer who was famously known for last minute reading and spotting what would be set in the exam.

Jenniffer was always engrossed in mills and boons (romance novels) during class and prep time. Her obsession was too much that all she would even cram and repeat what she has read in the novels clearly like she was the author.

However, she never used to pay attention whenever the teachers where teaching or revise her notes because she was always gripped onto a novel.

A week or two to exam, Jenniffer would keep the novels away and start cramming for the exams.

However, the class work notes were always many so she would get confused and get mixed up while writing the exam.

She resorted to spotting, whereby she would predict the topics likely to be set and that is what she would read only.

Sometimes she would be lucky and a number or two would come from her spotting while other times she would be so ill-fated and nothing at all would be set.

Jennifer’s habit got her so many shameful reports that she was never proud of and she definitely had to pay for it by repeating a few classes.

There is always a lot of anxiety and panicking amongst students when it’s almost exam time.

Around two weeks to exam time is when some students start to revise in preparation for exams. During the course of the term, students prefer to play and waste time then remember to read when exams are around the corner.

Some keep on procrastinating thinking that they have enough time during to term only to realize when it’s too late yet have a pile of notes to read.

There is always enough time to fully prepare for the exams and even some spare time to do some playing. Students should only learn how to manage their time well.

If one is focused and they decide to make use of all preps in school, that is, morning and evening, then they would never have to panic during exam time.

Last minute reading leaves one confused and unable to exhaust all the many topics taught throughout the term.

Due to the confusion and nervousness brought about by last minute reading, there are big chances of failing exams and having to repeat a class.

Students should therefore learn to utilize their time perfectly while in school to avoid the ugly and deadly habit-last minute reading.
