Blog glue

Change is synonymous with businesses, particularly because firms are always evolving to meet the prevailing customer needs.The customer is always learning, changing and hence the tactics have also to change to adapt to this. So as far as trends go, in the new is blog!

Saturday, October 01, 2011

Change is synonymous with businesses, particularly because firms are always evolving to meet the prevailing customer needs.

The customer is always learning, changing and hence the tactics have also to change to adapt to this. So as far as trends go, in the new is blog!

Well this has been adopted in most companies’ websites. By allowing a blog option in their websites employers are allowing their staff to archive their activities in the company while inviting clients to interact with them. 

Blogs enable daily archiving of content that can include videos and sound files.

The point of creating a blog option for companies is to allow employees and indeed customers to organize and tell the story of the services and products offered by that particular company.

Some blogs actually entail the whole processes that deliver services and goods on sale. Products and goods are not made instantly they involve people’s input; machine hours and finally delivery to prospective clients. Blogs offer this incredible chance for companies to tell this story.

This can be done simply by enabling blog entries by staff. Employees can develop content about their daily activity in the organisation and their interaction with the brands which is then hosted on to the company’s blog.

In this way when a customer buys a product they do so by fully understanding its origin and its production story.

It therefore makes it easier for a firm such as this to sell more because people want to understand what they are buying, and they would like to feel like they are involved and that the end product is something they are glad to be associated with.

So, instead of taking up hours explaining your product offering, do so by allowing your employees to talk about it, and customers to write back about it on a blog. This way you will be bringing your brand to life and at no cost.

In addition, Blogs allow a firm to group people in production, operations, marketing and finally the customer to a platform where they can engage in product analysis and redesign of an even better product.

Blogs can also allow companies to receive instant feedback from users of their products. Blogs interfaces are mostly very simple for users and allow for instant interactions such as informal chats or organized focused group discussions.

By activating a blog action, your firm will allow a continuous conversation with customers; such conversations can only mean more business for your firm.

So, open up its time to make use of that megaphone that is in a blog! Let people talk about you and your product in the best available avenue yet. Get blog glued!
