700 veterans graduate with vocational skills

KAYONZA - Calixte Nshutiraguma, one of Rwanda Defence Forces veterans, can now fend for his family despite living with disability, thanks to vocational skills training organised by the Rwanda Demobilisation and Reintegration Commission.Over 700 ex-combatants graduated on Friday, after completing a six-month training in various vocational skills.

Saturday, October 01, 2011
Ex-combatants gather to receive work equipment, on Friday, at Nyandungu. The NewTimes / Courtesy

KAYONZA - Calixte Nshutiraguma, one of Rwanda Defence Forces veterans, can now fend for his family despite living with disability, thanks to vocational skills training organised by the Rwanda Demobilisation and Reintegration Commission.

Over 700 ex-combatants graduated on Friday, after completing a six-month training in various vocational skills.

They were given work kits by the Commission, including sewing machines, hand sows, malt-meters, and testers, among others.

The Nyamata-based welder, Nshutiraguma, told fellow ex-combatants at the graduation ceremony at Nyandungu, that he was ‘empowered’ after receiving training at Amizero Training Centre in Kayonza District.

"I have managed to provide for my family and extended training to other youth in my locality,” he said.

He urged former fighters to develop self confidence if they are to achieve their life goals.

The Demobilisation Commission has trained over 4000 ex-combatants in various vocational skills over time.

Backed by various testimonies, vocational training proves to be the most effective way of catering for the ex-service men, according to Lt.Gen. Fred Ibingira, the Chief of Reserve Forces who was the chief guest.

Officials are optimistic that the skills and work kits provided to the trainees will result in improved livelihoods and contribute to national development.

"With the newly acquired skills, you now have the capacity to create your own jobs or be employed by government or private investors,”  Ibingira said..
