Gasabo Women Week comes to a close

GASABO - The Vice President of Rwanda Women Parliamentary Forum (FFRP), Aurélie Gahongayire, has urged women in Gatsata sector, Gasabo District to be part of the development programmes in the country.She made the call, yesterday, while officiating at celebrations to mark the end of the Women Week activities in Gasabo District.

Saturday, October 01, 2011
Honourable Saidat Mukanoheri handing out scholastic materials The Sunday Times / Timothy Kisambira

GASABO - The Vice President of Rwanda Women Parliamentary Forum (FFRP), Aurélie Gahongayire, has urged women in Gatsata sector, Gasabo District to be part of the development programmes in the country.

She made the call, yesterday, while officiating at celebrations to mark the end of the Women Week activities in Gasabo District.

"We want you to be at the forefront of the development in our country by engaging yourselves in cooperatives so that you move forward,” she said.

Gahongayire called upon the women to partner with their husbands in supporting their families.

"Seize this opportunity of the prevailing good leadership under President Paul Kagame and make differences in your homes and communities because this would contribute to the development of the country,” she urged them.

During the Women Week in Gasabo District, several developmental activities such as supporting vulnerable families with donations ranging from clothes, mattresses, cows, tailoring machines, among others, were carried out in the district.

Gahongayire also urged families to always advise their children to protect themselves against engaging in sex that could result into HIV/AIDS and unwanted pregnancies.

During the event, a women weaver’s cooperative society in Gatsata sector, Agaseke k’ababyeyi, was given a cheque worth Rwf 747,000 to boost their works by Gasabo District.

At the same event, the district also donated scholastic materials such as school uniforms, bags, books, shoes, among others, to 102 vulnerable school children in Gatsata sector.

Speaking at the function, Marie Louis Uwimana, Vice Mayor of Gasabo District in Charge of Social Affairs stated that women should embrace several government development programs.

"The Women Week in our district was a wonderful experience to the vulnerable people who received support,” she said.

Uwimana encouraged women in her district to work hard so in order to get out of poverty.
