Fashion & Style: Boxfresh; a pair of shoes that will push you to walk a mile

One of the hottest footwear brands around at the moment is the Boxfresh!Today this pair is extremely trendy and has carved out quite a reputation for itself among people who like the hip and urban feel of casual shoes.The shoes have a retro element to them which also gives people who wear them an air of confidence that you can see when they walk, they’re proud to wear these shoes, they feel good in them and most importantly, they look good in them – isn’t that what all great footwear should deliver?

Saturday, October 01, 2011

One of the hottest footwear brands around at the moment is the Boxfresh! Today this pair is extremely trendy and has carved out quite a reputation for itself among people who like the hip and urban feel of casual shoes.

The shoes have a retro element to them which also gives people who wear them an air of confidence that you can see when they walk, they’re proud to wear these shoes, they feel good in them and most importantly, they look good in them – isn’t that what all great footwear should deliver?

Get yourself a pair of boxfresh, don them on weekends to help you slip into the relaxed vibe and kick back with friends at the pub or maybe at a casual party where you can chill out and look great at the same time.

Boxfresh look fabulous with jeans or chinos and are comfortable enough to be worn all day to give a stylish and casual look to your whole outfit.

So if you’re after a new pair of casual shoes that looks cool and casual as they feel then you should definitely give Boxfresh a go. Boxfresh shoes will not only boost your street poise but will also portray you as fashion monster. Boxfresh shoes are available in most Kigali fashion stores; a pair goes for Rwf 25.000.