Secret life…Innocent Bahati

Innocent Bahati is the Executive Secretary of the association of media organizations in the fight against HIV/Aids (ABASIRWA)Below he shares more about himself;The first thing you do in the morningI say a prayer When are you happiest?  When I associate and enjoy with others

Saturday, October 01, 2011

Innocent Bahati is the Executive Secretary of the association of media organizations in the fight against HIV/Aids (ABASIRWA)
Below he shares more about himself;
The first thing you do in the morning
I say a prayer

When are you happiest? 
When I associate and enjoy with others

What has life taught you?
People must be tolerant at whatever cost

Affectionate memory of your parents
Their love especially my mother’s encouragement to work hard, the way she used to do it.

Childhood memory
The first time I went to school and my first birthday party at the age of 11

During your free time
I meet with friends and listen to music

Retirement plans
I will stay with my family but also plan to set up a centre to support the most vulnerable

Photo. G. Mugoya