“Beware of Killer Salesmen”

Many times we get ambushed by all sorts of people in the guise of doing business with us or making business proposals.One evening,a wife of my friend who was in one of Kampala’s suburbs was approached by a smartly dressed ,well groomed, built &  looking man came over and advertised his firms painting services to her while she was refuelling her car at SHELL Petrol station in Bukoto  evening 7-8pm-ish; rush hour, he gave her his “business card”.

Saturday, October 01, 2011

Many times we get ambushed by all sorts of people in the guise of doing business with us or making business proposals.  

One evening, a  wife of my friend who was in one of Kampala’s suburbs was approached by a smartly dressed ,well groomed, built &  looking man came over and advertised his firms painting services to her while she was refuelling her car at SHELL Petrol station in Bukoto  evening 7-8pm-ish; rush hour, he gave her his "business card”.

Quickly she received it and in return handed over hers too.  "I do not have any plans of building in the near future but I will give a few of my networks your contacts”, she pushes his card into her purse, smiles , promises to call the next day and gets in her car.

The man then got into a waiting 4x4 Land Cruiser being driven by another gentleman. As the lady left the service station heading towards Kisasi via Kabira , she noticed the men following her out of the station at the same time.

After driving a short distance to the Kabira Club junction heading to Kisasi , she started feeling dizzy and could not catch herbreath.

She tried to open the window which did not change the situation either,  she smelt her hand and there was this very sweet smelling odour,  it even made her get more dizzy!

This was the same hand she used to accept the card from the gentleman at the Petrol station.

She then noticed that, the men were still trailing her, their car immediately behind her and she guessed something was not right at that moment.  

She drove into the nearest Super Market parking lot but unfortunately it was full, she drove to the next parking available but these guys were still on her bumper. She began to panic.

She parked right in the middle of the road and began honking repeatedly, non- stop and started shouting for help like she had gone kookoos.  

She continued honking with full palm placed on honk button till concerned Brochettes roasters, boda-boda and taxi touts were forced to find out what was going on; her car was surrounded by a crow of inquisitive people.

On seeing the situation, had gone out of hand the men following her drove away, but the lady’s ability to breath continued to deteriorate. At least she was able to tell the crowd her husband’s mobile phone number and somebody in the crowd called him.

Luckily enough he was just ordering for his first Bell at his Joint near his Office in Kamokya”. He dashes to the scene whisked her away to Kadic- Clinic in Bukoto for treatment.

She was discharged after 48 hours.  The above scenario could take place in any city of the world, more so, in the so safe ones like Kigali, where the victims may not easily anticipate such attacks!

What had actually happened? Apparently, there was a substance on the card that could have seriously injured her. This drug is called ‘BURUNDANGA’ and it is used by CRIMINALS who wish to incapacitate a victim in order to steal, kill or take advantage of women (RAPE).

This drug is 4 times more dangerous than the date rape drug and it is transferable on simple cards and papers. So take heed and make sure you don’t accept cards at any given time (when you are alone) from STRANGERS - in the streets, markets, filling stations in the name of doing business.  

Beware of killer salesmen, don’t be ashamed to scream and shout on top of your voice when you are in danger. If you doubt the ‘BURUNDANGA’ existence or effect, google it out and see for yourself!
