President Kagame is an international development Icon too

Editor,This letter is in reference to your article in Monday’s issue of The New Times titled: “President Kagame named regional development Icon.”In reality, however, President Kagame is not just a regional, but an international development Icon! This is evident from the tremendous progress being made by the country under his leadership in the international arena.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


This letter is in reference to your article in Monday’s issue of The New Times titled: "President Kagame named regional development Icon.”

In reality, however, President Kagame is not just a regional, but an international development Icon! This is evident from the tremendous progress being made by the country under his leadership in the international arena.

This great nation continues to climb up the ladder and claims a place of pride among all nations spread over all continents.

The Ministry of Trade and Industry and the Rwanda Development Board continue to innovate, continuously, so that the new Rwanda serves as a glowing example of sustained growth and development not just for the region, but internationally.

Clarence Fernandes
Rwanda Renaissance
Travel & Tourism Committee

Indian Merchants’ Chamber