The issue of eating disorders

Eating disorders among teenagers results from a number of causes, the highest being low self-esteem.Teenagers with a healthy self-esteem don’t usually have eating disorders nor do they behave irrationally. However, teenagers with low self-esteem especially those who feel socially inferior among their peers, have eating disorders.

Monday, September 26, 2011
Eating healthy is good for growth. Net photo

Eating disorders among teenagers results from a number of causes, the highest being low self-esteem.

Teenagers with a healthy self-esteem don’t usually have eating disorders nor do they behave irrationally. However, teenagers with low self-esteem especially those who feel socially inferior among their peers, have eating disorders.

In one Cable News Network (CNN) report, researchers said that three percent of more than 10,000 teenagers’ ages 13 to 18 surveyed, suffer from anorexia nervosa, nine percent from bulimia nervosa and 1.6 percent from overdo eating disorder.

Most teenagers who have eating disorders claim to be on diet. As much as dieting can sometimes be healthy, it is not wise to give up on meals altogether.

Experts believe that several teenagers especially girls with eating disorders tend to keep the problem as a secret because they are trying to keep up appearances. However, this results in exhaustion, fatigue and irritability. Sometimes stomach cramps and high fever are a result of eating disorders.

Symptoms of eating disorders include; disappearing after a meal or having depressive moods. In girls, eating disorders tend to cause irregularity in their menstrual cycle.

At the end of the day, working out is the best way to acquire a great body.